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    Why Light Filler? What is it?




    Light Filler is a nun-surgical intervention where Mesotherapy and filler are applied “together” to give the skin a brighter appearance.


    Light Filler in 10Points


    1. Light filler is not just a filler application. In addition to application Hyaluronic acid (HA) as filler, Mesotherapy is applied. Light filler HA is composed of 3 mineral vitamins and 3 different antioxidants. In this way, your skin is revitalized, and its capacity to reflect the light is restored. Under normal and standard filler applications, the tissue losses are repaired and filled but the dull and colorless appearance cannot be abolished.


    1. Supportive and nourishing effects of the light filler last for 1.5 – 2 years. Its effectiveness on the moving parts of our face where we express our mimics could decrease in time. For this reasons, the procedure could be repeated after one year if necessary.


    1. The applications lasts maximum 15 minutes. It is pain-free as it contains local anesthetic. For extremely sensitive patients, superficial anesthetic cream is applied.


    1. For an effective result, the procedure should be applied in e sessions with 3-weeks intervals. You can go back to your work and daily life right after the application.


    1. The results can be viewed minutes after the procedure.


    1. Contrary to other face rejuvenation applications such as laser, chemical peeling etc), it is not necessary to avoid your face from day lights.


    1. The applications and the studies show that light filler has hardly ever a side effect. The most common side effects are redness and light bruising that are observed in under-eye regions in very sensitive patients. The light filler is not stiff but rather fluid. Therefore, you would not have palpable nodes that also be observed by eye.


    1. Since there is no peeling in the skin, you can apply make-up and foundation creams.
    2. With application of light filling, you can obtain cell renewal (increase in collagen), antioxidant protection (increase in glutathione), moisturizing (increase in GAGs), volume (Hyaluronic acid), nutrition (amino-acids and vitamins) and anti-aging effects (wrinkle treatment).

    10. This method could be applied to other regions that need illumination such as neck décolleté and back of the hand. The most preferred regions are under-eye circles and inner corners of the eye. Once you have this application, in addition to the filler effect, you will also have a revitalizing, nourishing, protective and ant-aging content. This is way this procedure is called

    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

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