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    Breast Lifting Surgery

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    Breasts surgeries, that are not primarily intended for volume reduction as in the case of breast reduction operations, but instead which aims at giving a better form to breasts by correcting nipple ptosis and sagging breasts are called breast lifting surgeries or Mastopexy. In these operations, additionally, silicone breast prostheses can be used in order to give volume to the breasts and breast asymmetries can be corrected in the same session.

    Patients that often consult us for breast augmentation are women who have a nipple ptosis accompanies with volume loss and who usually give birth at a young age. The upper poles of the breasts are discharged, the nipple shrunk and moved downwards. This group of people has heath consciousness and a high body perception in accordance with a choice for a sportive life. Regardless of their intention to give birth and breastfeed in the future, it is possible to perform lifting and to give volume to the breasts as desired, if necessary, with the help of silicone prostheses.

    Breast lift surgery is procedure by which the nipple is carried into its ideal location, taking into account structure and diameter of both breasts and body in general. For this purpose, techniques that leave little traces are preferred. For the breasts requiring less correction, the incision made in  the nipple area is sufficient, while  for the breasts that have nipples with a diameter of 2-3 cm, the incision, in addition to nipple area, continues in the form of lollipop descending downwards; in cases where diameter of nipples is more than 5 cm, techniques that leave a vertical indeterminate trace are preferred. In all 3 cases, breast contours can be supported with breast prostheses.

    Breast lifting operations last approximately 1-1.5 hours and they are performed in fully equipped hospitals under general anesthesia. This operation requires extraction of excess skin. Indistinct traces fade away and disappear automatically within 6 months after the operation Defects related to the sensation of the nipple will recover in 2-3 months. The patient may be discharged from the hospital on the same day.  If prosthesis is placed and drains are used, the patients shall stay in the hospital 1 night and will be discharged once drains are removed.

    The first check-out time is on the 3rd day after the shower which will be taken at home. After the third day, you can return to daily activities such as walking, shopping, but you need to wait for 3rd week for heavy sports and other exercises such as swimming, running or lifting weights. The use of postoperative corsets for 2 weeks is necessary for patient comfort and rapid recovery.

    If the formation and contouring is done with patient’s own tissues, this is called breast lifting with fat. The important point to note here is that fat cells should be placed not within the sensitive breasts tissues but rather within the tissues surrounding this sensitive area, because, otherwise tumoral transformation can be triggered if breasts, a sensitive receptor organ, is subjected to trauma.

    Autologous fat transfer is another important factor to consider in breast lifting. The viability of the fat cells used in this way is unpredictable. Late asymmetries can be corrected by repeated fat transfers. These transported fat cells also have the potential to cause tumoral transformation in the breast by acting as a stem cell, which can be transformed into any cell.

    With the same scientific reasons, it is necessary to avoid using any other filler material for lifting, enlargement, contouring and any other formation purposes. The areas that should be chosen for these purposes is the areas surrounding the breasts tissues for breast contouring and  the area

    Breast lifting is one of the most common procedures used for body sculpture. It provides fast and comfortable recovery, early return to work, providing the highest achievement with minimum scar. In this regard, the preferred surgical technique is the one that blends the experience of the surgeon to have safe, predictable and sustainable results.

    It is very important to record and achieve the topographic characteristics of the breasts with USG as this will provide us with knowledge about the sources of any problem that can be faced after the operation.

    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

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