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    PRP procedures

    ankara prp fiyatları

    What are PRP treatments and procedures?

    PRP, as a nonsurgical facial and skin rejuvenation technique, is the procedure that the special cells (blood platelet) which contain the factors of wound healing and growth are collected are collected from our own blood and are transferred to the face, hair and / or body areas needed. The procedures are most commonly used for facial rejuvenation, hair strengthening, sport injuries and non-healing wounds.

    Facial Rejuvenation with PRP

    The PRP is a “joker” for skin rejuvenation. This effect indicates that PRP procedures have multipurpose effect spectrum such as healing, improvement and tightening of the skin showing signs of aging.

    The technique of procedure is to give prepared serum to the areas formed by multipoint micro trauma. PRP may be performed to the required areas in the form of filling with a needle or cannula. Aim: It is general recovery such as bleaching, revival, tightening, spot opening, indistinct of thin wrinkles and personal response to the recovery. The other important advantages are removal of dull area, narrowing of pores and tightening.


    Session intervals of multiple sessions (3-4) vary between 15 and 21 days. The procedure is almost painless with topical anesthetics, and sedation anesthesia may be preferred in people with low pain threshold. The initial results to be observed after the procedure are apparent softening and shining at the end of the first week. Rest at home is recommended to maintain the sensitivity of the skin after the procedure. The next day, people can make up, live their daily life, travel or do exercise.  It is recommended that PRP procedures should be combined with different procedures required (radiofrequency, mesotherapy, IPL, HIFU, peeling etc.) and should be performed to the deeper layer of the skin, and should be repeated single-session once every six months. It should be kept in mind that the results will vary from person to person depending on the neglect of the skin and lifestyle of the people.

    What is PRP Hair Protocol?

    Another operation area that PRP procedures are often preferred is hair rejuvenation and strengthening. For this purpose, protocols which include mesotherapy with 3-4 sessions are standard. General medical recommendations that include shampoo, serum and some vitamins and supplements are made in a personal panel in order to be used between these procedures with 15 days sessions. As it is known, the hair is directly affected long and cyclical psychosocial stresses as a psychological target organ. The hair starts to weaken, fall out, and appear dull as a primary target organ in depressive and intense stressful situations, especially in the exam period for young people, and postpartum period for women. Also, uncontrolled sleep problems, excessive smoking, vitamin deficiency, malnutrition, and drug substances such as alcohol are the major factors to trigger hair loss. With the PRP treatment protocols, strengthening limp hair is provided and hair revitalization is provided by strengthening hair follicle.

    Before PRP hair protocol procedures, blood, vitamin, hormone and mineral panel examination should be done to determine the existing systemic medical deficiencies and should be treated. The procedure is performed by filling technique with 2-cm intervals. Thus, local anesthesia is not necessary for the procedure.

    Other common areas for PRP include the removal of scars, treatment of ingrown toenail and decubitus ulcer, treatment of acne and sequel, treatment of  non-healing diabetic foot and leg injuries, tendon, and sport injuries in the joint.

    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

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