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    What is nose aesthetics?


    Nose is an organ located at the center of our face with an irreplaceable place in terms of its aesthetic importance. Though, alone, the nose could be the most dominant and impressive part of the image of our face, it is perceived together with other organs in the face as much as it is perceived on its own. A nose which may appear prominent would not be so any more once the flat appearance of cheek bones is corrected.

    The mechanisms that explain how our brain perceives anything and how it records in memory is called gestalt perception principles. In this context, nose aesthetics can be done in 6 phases, which are separate but which also complete each other in a unique way. The 1st  step is the evaluation of  the location and the size of nose and the cartilage and the harmony between nose tip and nostrils. The 2nd step is related to the relationship with and the position in relation to the nose, of the neighboring areas of the soft tissue, such as cheek, lips, eyebrows, eyelids. In the 3rd step, the relationship with the rigid structures such as gonion, jaw, forehead and cheekbones their cohesion in terms of perception and image is measured and evaluated. In the 4th step, the mucosa-skin characteristics, in general for the face and specifically for the nose is evaluated as a whole together with the location and depth of cicatrix, acne, suture scars. In the 5th step, deep grooves which attract attention together with the nose as they are located by the nose (such as under-eye bag grooves naso-labial folds etc.) are assessed in detail. The 6th step is the evaluation of the patient’s capacity for functional breathing: concha, septum, valve angles etc. are assessed.  In the 7th step, squeals that remained after accidents, traumas and surgeries are evaluated and the level of the tissue loss due to previous operations are determined.

    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

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