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    Non-Operative Face Rejuvenation


    Non-Operative Face Rejuvenation: Intense Pulse Light (IPL)

    The treatment of patch, wrinkle, superficial retinal vascular

    IPL, Intense Pulse Light, treats selectively to the photo damage/photo aging symptoms and pigmentation disorders such as retinal vascular or sunburn in the different skin types. In addition to these acquirements, pulse light treatment has an antiaging effect which provides brightening and refresh to the skin.

    This technique which achieves the updated intensive high power output effect with speed and safe recurrent rates, allows to keep the procedure duration short and to be effective in a wide area. Additionally, the procedure is quite painless, short and very comfortable for both patient and doctor, by using new generation sapphire cover.

    The new xenon flash lamp is extremely efficient in the maximum power distribution and between the ranges of 500-600nm. This effect gives itself a therapeutic unique privilege for many skin problems. As it is known, this efficiency rate in the ordinary IPL devices is around 10%

    The procedure gives result/outcome in 1-3 sessions at 2 weeks interval. The same result/outcome provided by the other IPL devices with an ordinary power supplies is obtained at the end of 4-6 sessions.

    Technique and Recovery Period

    The system which is used for sunspots (photo damage), spots/patches due to aging, and superficial retinal vascular lesions, is effective in the whole body including arms, hands, back, back of the neck, and low-neck area. It should be started to the procedure at least one month later from sun tanning caused by chemically or naturally / sun. In the procedure, the flash light may cause mild burn and redness immediately after the procedure depending on preferred power degree. It is observed that the pigmented lesions which are become darker/coagulated are removed within 7 days by becoming indistinct

    The spots/patches, discoloration and sunburn/sunspots which are among the aging symptoms, are removed and the skin becomes brighter and more energetic within 15 days, and the healing symptoms observed with the recurrent sessions become more apparent gradually. There are requirements after the procedure, including sun protection, avoiding of lying on face down and hot environments such as bathhouse and sauna, drying face by wiping (paper, towel etc.)


    1.Quick and strong effect on patch/spot, pigment and vascular lesions

    2.Successful/beneficial outcomes in one session in some lesions

    3.Painless and comfortable procedure

    4.Successful outcomes, especially in the sun-exposed areas such as face, eye, neck, low-neck area and hands

    5.The secondary anti-aging effect which provides skin refresh, together with spot/patch treatment

    6.Easy to use on dark skin (580 nm)

    7.Quick/fast operation in wide areas

    8.Treatment of redness

    9.Quick recovery period, and allows you to make-up after the procedure

    10.Treatment of sunspots/lentigo,

    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

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