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    Rhinoplasty: Essentials (III)



    Benefits of Rhinoplasty


    After a successful rhinoplasty, the advantages and benefits can be better nose, more harmonious and attractive face, more confident and sociable character. The gains after the surgeries can be categorized as psycho-social and physical gains.

    Physical Gains: Whether it is traumatic or congenital, the nose shape is the most significant and indispensable part of our image reflected in the world. The development of the nasal aesthetic is completed around the age of 17, and is in the in the center of the facial oval and located up front. The problems may be size, deviation and/or asymmetry related to the bone structure, cartilage, nasal tip, nasal dorsum and nostrils. Correcting these problems and characteristics requires the harmonization all the tissues and structures within the nose itself as a whole.

    With all the dimensions; the nose which is pleasing to the eye with its width, length, height from the nostrils, midline and profile is a nose that completes the harmonization within itself. The other important factor which complements the harmony of the nose is its harmony with the face. The harmony of the nose with the other facial organs (cheekbones, forehead, lips) complements the attraction of the nose and facial image. Another physical gain is that it is easier to breathe through these surgeries. It brings all the benefits of further oxygenation. Sleep without interruption, increased physical performance etc.

    Psycho-social Gains: The fact that a person is very indifferent to the physical appearance and beauty may indicate a psychosocial problem. Being more beautiful and attractive/fit is a sign of healthy life. Studies provide information that people are more sociable, at peace with themselves, self-confident after aesthetic nose surgeries/rhinoplasty. There are studies suggesting that anti-sociality and introversion which is frequently observed in young people, decreases with the self-confidence provided by these surgeries. Young and small nose is the most significant organ in the face.

    In people with significant nasal deformities, the psychosocial gains listed above are observed rapidly after rhinoplasty. For example; it is easier to take pictures compared to the past. The detail to be considered here is that each nose can only be shaped by the quality and characteristics of the tissue and structures of that person. A beautiful nose alone cannot contribute to the appearance of the person among other facial organs which are not harmony with it. These visual perception principles which are very important for image making are called gestalt perceptual principles. With the trick of make-up, you have certainly watched how the people are become beautiful with makeup on the critical points in line with these principles. If this procedure is performed permanently and surgically, it is called rhinoplasty.

    For rhinoplasty, with the bio-psychosocial benefits it provides, as the World Health Organization (WHO) defines “being health is a state of bio-psychosocial welfare”, it is a surgical operation which provides the most direct contribution to the “health of the person.”



    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

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