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    Get Younger with Your Own Blood


    We have used many methods to look well, healthy and young. However, none of these methods were uncomplicated, without any side-effects. For some, it was necessary to undergo a surgery, for others not to leave the house or to stay away from sunlight. While what we get out of these was lost within 3-4 months, most of us waited for the winter time for the procedures. Recently, a method that has been known for a long time in the medical world and among the people, but which has recently been used in the aesthetic sector, has become prominent. It’s not clay, peeling, laser or filler. It is neither care, medicine nor a surgery.  It is known as “Vampire method” because it is prepared from the patient’s own blood. This is the application that Kim Kardashian, a celebrity, has recently tried and shared her experience on social media. The process is also known as PRP, composed of the initials of its name (Platelet Rich Plasma) Plasma is the part of the blood, which is composed of rich and nutrient blood cells, containing growth factors. Platelets, on the other hand, are cells in which these growth, improvement and repair factors that will be released when the time comes, are stored. PRP is the name given to the process that includes collecting and reproducing these cells from your blood as well as their reintroduction to the area, which is expected to be healed.

    The founderof GestaltEstetik Plastic Surgeon Ass. Prof. Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu has informed us about PRP Method, which he has also been applying in his Clinic.

    What is PRP?

    In short, it is a procedure in which, a specific amount of blood taken from the person is specially processed, and then the platelet-rich content (plasma) is applied to again the area where vitalization and healing and are desired to take place.

    PRP is known and practiced in medicine for over 30 years. Firstly, it was started to be used in dentistry and then extended to the fields of orthopedics, cardiovascular surgery, brain surgery, veterinary medicine, plastic surgery and dermatology.

    In aesthetic surgery, PRP is frequently used in order to accelerate the healing of the wounds, to tighten sagging skin in areas such as face, neck, arms and hip, to obscure wrinkles and stain, cracks, to prevent hair loss, to stimulate the development of new hair

    How is PRP applied?

    A certain amount of blood taken from the patient (40-50 cc) is firstly centrifuged. The platelet-rich plasma obtained after the procedure is injected into the patient’s skin or by using small motorized devices, small holes are opened in the patient’s skin. And it is ensured that through these small holes, the restorative, regenerating factors containing the rich plasma reach into deeper layers of the skin.

    Is this a Painful Method?

    Before the procedure, for the comfort of the patient, local topical anesthetic creams are applied to the patient’s skin.  The procedure starts only after regional anesthesia is maintained. During the procedure, Patient does not feel any pain.

    How long does it take?

    The total period of time allocated for taking the blood from the patient, its centrifuge and the application is around one hour.

    In order to obtain an effective improvement in the skin and to stimulate the cells that will cause a tightening over the skin, PRP should be applied for four sessions, with an interval of 21-28 days in between. You can retard the decrease in the effectiveness of the application by having with an additional session every year.

    When could we start observing the positive effects of this procedure?

    As soon as the application is made, the first positive signs related to health could be observed. Nevertheless, main and permanent effects could be seen only a few days after the application. At this point in time, you would start receiving the following reactions form the people around you:.. “I see something in you.. Have you starter exercising?  Have you had your hair dyed? Your face is glowing. Are you in love?  Have you quitted smoking? Which vitamins have you started using?..”

    Indeed, a few days after the process, you will first notice a glowing enlightenment on your face. As the sessions continue to be applied, your skin will recover, our face will regain its contour, and the collapses on the surface of your nose and foreheads are filled with over time. You will notice that thin wrinkles disappear, stains formed for different reasons are wiped out, the matte look leaving it place to a fresh and lively appearance. This means that PRP not only relieves the signs of aging, but also prevents you from regenerating the signs of aging on your neglected skin, allowing you to have a much younger, healthier and happier appearance.

    What are the Advantages and strengths of PRP Method?

    PRP is not a surgical method. It does not require general anesthesia. Therefore, it is a technique that is far from having many complications and side effects. Its effect is long-lasting ie. The patient’s sleeping pattern, genetic health characteristics, smoking habits, diet and lifestyle support or impede its positive effects. It is an easy, natural and safe operation. It takes less time. Since the process is performed using patient’s own blood, it does not cause an allergic reaction. You can continue your daily life after the procedure. However, you should use the supplementary protection products on the day following the operation as well as during certain times between the sessions. You won’t feel pain during the application, if necessary; the light sedation can be applied to people with very low pain threshold.

    While other rejuvenation techniques applied on the face in summer or on sunny days (peeling, peeling or laser, etc.) are absolutely contraindicated, the PRP process can be performed safely and easily in these times as it performs a kind of repair and treatment for your skin. Besides, with PRP applied to many patients who had burn injuries, recovery was successfully achieved. Except for lasers, all other treatments that are said to provide rejuvenation to the face or refreshing, which are not applied under the supervision of a dermatologist or aesthetic surgeon, are temporary “care” procedures that make you perhaps more sensitive to the sun. They do not have therapeutic properties and selectivity that should be activated according to your skin type. However, since the growth factors obtained from the blood have exactly the content and quality you need; their efficiency, success and trust are indisputable. This superiority is the most important feature that makes PRP the first choice in facial renewal.

    Other than face, in which body areas could PRP be applied?

    PRP application can be applied to all body areas where we want to eliminate the signs and damages of age and sun and to accelerate healing of the wounds such as festering wounds, chronic wounds, diabetic wounds, leg ulcers, intra-oral wounds, pressure sores, and infected wounds. In addition, it can be used in the treatment of deep fractures in the abdomen and breast skin, in tightening of the sagging in the skin of arm-gums-leg-hip to rapid weight loss, in the elimination of dilution, shedding, fracture in the hairs. Frequently preferred areas of application include decollete and back of hand. Recently, it has been frequently mentioned especially because of its tightening, coloring and refreshing effect in the aesthetics of the genital area. It is also known that the application is frequently used in sports medicine with its application to the joints, muscles and tendons. The treatment became popular in the United States, as a result of the treatment of the damaged tendon of a world champion, Tiger Woods. Other athletes who gained health through PRP treatment include tennis player Rafael Nadal and a basketball icon, Kobe Bryant.

    Does every PRP have the same effect?

    There are so many PRP kits available to the practitioner under different brands names. These ready-made kits are developed to transfer the growth factors to the patient in a healthy process. Another important factor that affects the result as much as the contents of these kits in PRP applications is the characteristics and the quality of application techniques and the products used in the sessions and intervals. In select clinics, it is aimed that patients get the maximum benefit from the PRP application with the minimum cost and harm with the involvement of specialized team, excellent products and follow-up.

    As your last words, could you make any suggestion for those people who are returning from the vacation, having been influence by abrasive effects of sun, sand and sea?

    Exactly just like you mentioned, PRP stands out as the first option not just a method of care but as a real treatment of the unwanted effects of sun, smoking and other , irregular life habits over our face such as stains, blemishes, fatigue and pale expression. I confidently suggest that you receive this treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon in hygienic centers, which do not have pure commercial concerns, on the condition that you also participate actively in the process. Underlining its importance, I remind you of the fact that PRP is not just a temporary care but rather a treatment and repair method for you and for the solution of the problems of your neglected skin. Hence for the removal of all signs on your face showing your skin as worn-out, tired and unhealthy, which you have due to the effects of sea, sand and sun in the heat of summer and other unavoidable reasons, in short, for achievement of rejuvenation and revival, I suggest PRP.

    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

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