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    What is Eyelid Aesthetic, Blepharoplasty?


    The aesthetic and functional problems of the eyelid may be congenital or acquired over time. The most common problem which is congenital and is associated with functional and aesthetical problem is the falling/drooping of the eyelid, which is called eyelid ptosis. Ptosis surgeries are performed depending on the eyelid position and function of the person.


    Drooping/falling of eyelid due to skin sagging of the eyelids, which is observed at advanced ages, is called blepharoshalasis. The sagging can progress to prevent seeing, and can make person older, tired, reluctant and sleepy by occurring on the eyelashes.


    Aging is a dynamic process that is directly related to our individual and genetic codes as well as our lifestyle. One of the most common area of wrinkles, spots, dryness and sagging on our face is the eye area, and the area is easily noticeable. The degree/level of eyelid sagging/drooping is depending on skin aging degree, nutrition type, sleep position, age and health status of the person.


    This aesthetic problem which becomes more apparent due to sudden and fast weight loss, lack of sleep/insomnia, uncontrolled nutrition, can now be solved easy, short and safe surgical techniques. The patient can be discharged immediately after the operations performed under local anesthesia or light sedation. In these operations, which last approximately 45 minutes, muscle weakness causing fat herniation are fixed and the operation is completed with sling or skin excisions for the eye contour.


    After the edema of the procedure is dissolved, the holistic approach related to face is completed by performing other complementary/supplementary facial interventions and the patients can continue their lives with a fresh, young and energetic appearance.

    Eyelid operations/procedures can be combined with other aesthetic facial interventions. With the eyelid operations performed together with facial skin rejuvenation or laser procedures related to facial skin, refresh the image of the person, and lead to boost/increase self-confidence of the person.

    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

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