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    Ideal Breakfast in “14 Points”


    Breakfast is the end of the fasting: Break/fast

    It is the foundation of the day, where we set up our system. It should not be missed. You should have your breakfast, without hurry and be selective.

    If other meals during the day could remain in pale in comparison to a strong breakfast


    Therefore, you could have the ideal breakfast:


    1. after a good sleep;


    1. At the earliest hour of the day (at a time that is most appropriate for your body and hormones)


    1. After sports, slowly and in a comfortable environment;


    1. While having breakfast, the only thing to do is having breakfast, you should not be involved in electronic devices ( TV, I-pad, Laptop, Cellphone)


    1. With scrambled eggs in butter, [menemen (Turkish style scrambled eggs with chopped onions, tomatoes and sliced green peppers) or omelet ] and boiled meat that is served cold (not from charcuterie) with lots of vegetables and black pepper.


    1. With high protein (cheese, yoghurt, milk, meat, eggs) and balanced carbohydrate (beans, chickpeas, fava bean, potatoes, quinoa, kidney beans)


    1. The fruits are the optimal sources of sweet in breakfasts. Honey and molasses with tahini could also be preferred just to taste. Dried fruits have higher levels of sugar compared to fresh ones.


    1. It should be made with at least one of the following: pineapple, grapefruit, avocado, pineapple, grapefruit, kiwi, tomato, pomegranate, apple or blueberry.



    1. Anasayfa-made yoghurt, with oat bran, unprocessed pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds.


    1. With Black pepper – mountain thyme in extra virgin olive oil or with lot of olives


    1. One slice of home-made whole-wheat brown bread, or German rye bread.


    1. Just a pinch of pican or Maraş-type walnut, raw unsalted almond of Datça, or makademia nut


    1. Drinks (water, cafe, tea etc.) should be consumed not during but after the breakfast.


    1. For one day a week, a cup of soup with a balanced content, black paper and broth could be preferred instead of a classical breakfast. It will warm you up.
    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

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