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    Giving shape and contour to our  body with Liposuction




    Fat tissues under our skin, which shape our body as small cushions all around our body skin are a kind of calorie bumpers. As a result of excess calorie intake and / or lack of movement and exercise, in time these fat clusters can increase in size and be distracting in terms of body aesthetics depending on the age, gender and genetic tendencies of the person. Giving shape to these fatty tissues, which are in fact considered as organs both from metabolic and hormonal perspectives, moving them out from some parts of the body/ sucking them out and/or transferring to other parts of the body is called liposuction. Some surgeons call it as liposculpture, hence suggesting that the procedure has a value equal to that of the work of a sculptor who gives shape to his/her sculpture.

    As you know, the process of the removal of the surplus fat, that is liposuction, could be made either with vacuum and hand power or laser devices through heat effect as well as through Vaser-lipo, which is a selective process. And it may even be enough to use injectors to take out fat in a specific- limited area. The liposuction method has been in use for tens of years and the latest versions are such developed techniques that it is now possible to suck the fat out with minimal bleeding and to transfer it to other parts, by just selecting the fatty tissues without giving any harm to other vital tissues and organs. Vaser liposuction is a technique that is applied with these principles, which is developed to avoid the side-effects observed in classical liposuction techniques. The system, which works through energy provided by amplified sounds and provides strain/tension over the skin and hence prevents pleating and sagging on the skin surface that could be possible after the surgery.

    The tightening of the skin that could be observed after the removal of fat heaps that are resistant to long and tiring diets and exercise programs, is the golden standard that should be maintained after liposuction surgeries. For this purpose, in addition to making a good planning and removing as much fat as possible in the short time that is available, the surgeon should also choose the right technique that could provide the fastest recovery.

    With the transfer of fats to another area of the body, the procedure of shaping the fatty tissues gains a new and different dimension. This method, called contourplasty, while the fat is transferred to the areas which are expected to be visible, fat is removed from areas where they are not wanted. Hi-Def. and 4K Vaser liposuction applications constitute another area of expertise requiring additional capabilities in removing the fat at muscle and skin level. The achievement of the appearance of 6 packs abs or obtaining biceps of muscles in legs, arms and chest is possible with these procedures.

    With the latest liposuction techniques and approaches, which enable fast recovery with minimum bleeding, side-affects, bruises and swelling after the surgery, which prevent pleating and sagging with the tightening achieved in the area where surgery is made, and which make possible the transfer of the fat tissues to other body regions, it is possible to remove the persistent excess of fat in jowl, arms, hips, legs, arms and in the area surrounding the knee-cup.

    After the liposuction surgery, which could last between 2 and 5 hours  depending on the amount of fat tissue to be removed and the part of the body that needs to be shaped, pressed corset should be worn at least for e-4 weeks depending on the part of the body that has been operated. The persons who make a choice between being fat and being fit could achieve very satisfactory results with these safe and selective techniques that reduce the recovery time while minimizing the side-effects.


    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

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