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    Feet Aesthetics and Architecture

    These are the procedures that are done, at an ever increasing rate, to reshape the ankle and the toes. An Turkish proverb says: “Your friend looks at your face while your enemy looks at your feet” Now this understanding has been replaced by the reality of feet aesthetics, as the primary fetish object of men.
    The common goal of fashion designers, both today and in the past has always been to design such shoes that bring the feet and the ankle of the women to the forefront, representing the woman in the most prominent way possible.

    Today, image coaches attribute to the shoes, which are a chosen by the person and displayed on his feet, the role of an indicator showing the cultural and social status of the person. Hence, our feet and ankles are organs with such socio-psychological effect that a very high level of importance has been placed on them but there are still physically neglected.

    The following are among the most frequently performed foot aesthetics interventions: thinning of the ankle or reshaping with filler, treatment of thumb deformation, (Hallux valgus/Bonion, calluses, bone protrusions, long and beak shaped toes, contour disorders that distort the foot curve and slope and removal of the traumatic scars (fracture, burn or wounds).

    The most important point is that the intervention to the areas that carry the body weight should be avoided. Moreover, considering that healing of the wounds could be problematic for the diabetic patients or patients with vascular diseases, and those who smoke, it is necessary to present realistic, reliable and lasting solutions that could certainly satisfy their aesthetic expectations.
    I guess it is not necessary to remind you that the right venue for the solution of your problems is to apply to a “specialists” who has a Notion of plastic surgery.

    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

    <h3 style="text-align: center; color: #232323 !important;">Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi</h3> <strong style="width: 100%; display: block; text-align: center; color: #fff !important;">Soru / Mesaj Gönderin</strong>

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