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    False facts in the plastic surgery – VIII


    There are techniques who do not leave scars and are painless in the aesthetic procedures… False


    All innocent or superficial aesthetic procedures (all local procedures such as botulinum, toxin injection, fillings, mesotherapy procedures, laser procedures, PRP, facial rejuvenation with USG, chemical peeling etc.) can cause more or less pain and psychological tension due to the effectivity and technical requirements.


    Experiencing this process at low or high level is determined by the principle of perception of the patients. Because the criteria for the pain and pain scale are subjective and the pain which is felt is shared between the practitioner/physician and the patient, not to the procedure. Eventually, the painless procedure is actually a procedure which has not yet performed.


    It is inaccurate to assert that it is performed without pain when the surgical sutures and the  drains are taken out, and the dressing is changed and the tampon/buffer is taken out in rhinoplasty and all local anesthetic procedures. Because the determinative factors; subjective criteria such as pain threshold, psychological infrastructure or “unpleasant experience” in the past.


    The studies specify that people guess that the trigger which causes the pain to be felt severe pain, is the expectation of pain/suffering due to psychological infrastructure, regardless of the procedure performed.

    The correct definition in order to emphasize the nature of the procedure is that the pain is not irritating/uncomfortable and can be managed under control.


    The only recovery in the surgery without scars is observed/performed only in mother’s womb. In fact, the recovery without scars is a procedure which has not performed yet. The correct definitions; “unapparent scars, the scars which are not observ

    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

    <h3 style="text-align: center; color: #232323 !important;">Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi</h3> <strong style="width: 100%; display: block; text-align: center; color: #fff !important;">Soru / Mesaj Gönderin</strong>

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