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    A Suggestion for an Easy and Effective Health Program



    Application: You will give up one of your habits listed below for one-week period.  And instead of this habit which you give up for one week, you will add another item from the list for the same period.

    You can make pairing as you like by choosing one item from each list: for example, 1-a in the first week, 4-c in the second week, 5a in the third week, 3b in the fourth week etc. Or you can even apply mixed programs if you have the intention to complete the program without giving up in the middle. You will have the final result on 66th day of this program, where your health will be restructured in a sustainable way. Why? The studies show that the actions and activities that are continuously repeated for a period of 66 days or 9.5 weeks, establish a new route of their own in the brain and they are transformed into new permanent habits (European Journal of Social Psychology. Vol: 40, Issue 6, p: 998-1009, 2010).

    Evaluation: Give 10 points to yourself for each habit that you give up permanently. If you give up all of them, your health score will be 50 points. i f you give up 3 habits, your score will remain at 30 points. And again for each new good habit you gain, you will earn 10 points. If you get all 5 habits yoe will earn 50 points. If you gain new habits, you will add 20 points to your health score.

    Result: If a person gives up all bad habits and gets new good ones, that means he or she has satisfied all the conditions to reach to the maximum health point . The program would be updated and diversified with additions and subtractions made according to the person’s characteristics, physical condition and his/her age.

    Recommendation: Please note, at the beginning of the program, information on personal health, diseases and medicines used and related updates. . You can compare thyroid hormones, blood pressure-pulse values, Leptin levels and your cholesterol / fat panel at the end of the program. You can choose the beginning of the month to start the program.




    The list of the bad habits that shall be given up (just for one week)


    1. Smoking


    1. Alcohol


    1. All kinds of sweet or drink containing sugar or sweetener


    1. Eating after 8 in the evenings


    1. “Judging” a person or a situation for whatever reason and with whatever result.


    The habits that will be gained fort hat week in place of the one that has just been given up


    1. Protein rich and balanced breakfast to be made at the earliest possible hour in the morning


    1. 2 times 40-minutes brisk walking + 1 apple per day


    1. Short sleep for 30-45 minutes at lunch time + 1 bottle (750 ml.) Uludağ rich mineral water


    1. 2 cups of green tea, brewed, (with lemon and honey) + 1 handful of raw almonds or walnuts per day


    E- 1 tablespoon early extra virgin olive oil (or cold pressed flaxseed oil) with black pepper


    Doç.Dr. Nedim Sarıfakıoğlu

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